Tuesday, 1 September 2015

REAL SEXUAL FACT- Nocturnal Emissions and Male Organ Health

Nocturnal Emissions and Male Organ Health - Myths and Facts about Night time Release of semen

A nocturnal emission can be a male’s first experience with release, and for many, it can happen quite frequently. Unfortunately, the subject of nocturnal emissions is not often brought up by parents or doctors, and many boys – and even men – believe that something is wrong with them when they wake up with a sticky patch in their briefs.

This misunderstanding is often perpetuated by well-meant but erroneous advice from older adults and others who may warn against nocturnal emissions based on traditional beliefs. The fact is that these nighttime emissions are a normal physiological process, and most men will experience them at least once or twice in their lifetime. For this reason, it is important to know the difference between myth and fact when it comes to nighttime release, as well as understanding the ins and outs of proper male organ care.
Some of the more common myths about nighttime release are dispelled here:
Myth: Nocturnal emissions are a sign of mental disturbance.
FACT: When boys reach adolescence, their bodies begin to produce higher levels of male hormone, which leads to the production of seed. This fluid builds up in the body until it is released through release. Often, this happens during the night, in the course of an intriguing dream. This is the result of a hormonal process, not a physical or mental disorder, and it is perfectly normal. Men of all ages can have nocturnal emissions, although the frequency may diminish as a man begins to self-pleasure or becomes active with a partner.
Myth: Night time release will dry up a man’s supply of seed.
FACT: This is based on the false idea that a man has a set amount of seed that is used up as he releases it. In fact, the little swimmers are being constantly produced; and while the supply may be smaller right after release, it is quickly replaced. On the other hand, men who do not release, either through coupling, manual stroking, or nocturnal emissions, may be  bound by the “use it or lose it” rule and end up producing fewer swimmers than active men.
Myth: Release without coupling will make a man weaker.
FACT: Many young men have been told that losing a drop of seed is like losing a quart of blood, but there is no comparison at all. Release, no matter how it is achieved, will not affect a man’s physical strength or his health in a negative way. In reality, release leads to the production of feel-good hormones that can help to relieve stress and promote relaxation; this may actually help to improve a man’s overall health, as opposed to making him weak or sick.
Myth: There is something wrong with guys who do NOT have nocturnal emissions.
FACT: While most men do have nocturnal emissions, everyone is different, and not having them is not a sign of anything wrong. It is also a good idea to keep in mind that not all men are aware that they have had a nocturnal emission, as they might attribute the tell-tale sticky spot to something else, like nighttime sweating.
Taking care for better male organ health
When nocturnal emissions do occur, the best thing to do is enjoy the lingering sensation of bliss, and of course, to clean up. Leaving the seed on the skin for an extended period of time can irritate the dermal tissue, leading to soreness, drying and cracking, and even infection.
Washing with a mild cleanser and rinsing thoroughly with warm water is all that is required; scrubbing with a rough cloth or harsh soap will only aggravate the delicate skin. Afterwards, a male organ vitamin formula (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that is enriched with male organ-specific nutrients and natural emollients can be applied to keep the male skin soft, supple – and even more responsive to sensual signals.

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