Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Let your diet match the type of your Blood group!!!

Know how to eat correctly according to your blood type

People do most of the things to keep themselves healthy. They exercise, do yoga, take stairs and eat healthy food. Include fruits, vegetables in their diet; avoid meats and other harmful foods. But even after doing so much to keep yourself healthy you find yourself lethargic, battle digestion problems you need to think for some unorthodox diet. Have you thought of eating according to your blood type?
Dr. Peter D’Adamo says that eating according to your blood type is beneficial to your health and can help you live longer and healthier. There are chemical reactions occurring in our blood because of the food we eat. These reactions are generally dependent on genetic heredity since they are caused by the proteins found in foods, which have a capacity to do blood stations and to stick around proteins.
So here are the types of food which you should eat according to your blood types.

Type O
People with blood type O are generally focused, energetic and display tremendous leadership qualities. Such people crave for meat and have characteristics of hunters- gatherers.
People with Type O blood group should eat a diet consisting of protein rich meal like lean meat, poultry, fish and vegetables. Beans, grains and dairy should be eaten lightly in their day to day meals. If you want to lose weight try eating seafood, red meat, spinach and broccoli. Avoid wheat, corn, lentils and cabbage. Try eating salt to lower the levels of Iodine in your system to give you optimal thyroid function.

Type A

People with Type A blood group tend to have poor digestion systems and an aversion to food coming from animals. People from this group favour vegetarian food like legumes, grains, fruits and vegetables.
Try eating soya beans, vegetables, pineapple to lose weight and avoid meat, dairy products, bean and wheat. Type A people are generally responsible, cool minded, hard working and detail oriented. But crave for success, are constantly worried about perfection.
Fish and poultry should be limited since people with blood type A produce fewer meat-digesting enzymes, which is why they have such a hard time digesting red meat. Try including higher percentage of wheat; grains, cereals etc should be your staple diet.

Type B

People with Type B blood are stubborn in nature. They love working in jobs that they like and they always follow their own rules. Therefore you are not as cooperative as other would like.
Type B people can very well digest meat products with ease. Hence most of your meals should contain red meat (beef, venison and lamb). Also try and include dairy products like yogurt, cheese and milk in your diet. Leafy greens and vegetables, fruits like banana, grapes, plum etc should also benefit people with type A blood.
Try to avoid grains, corn, rye and wheat and nuts like peanuts, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds as they tend to change the way you metabolize food.

Type AB

Type AB is the newest blood type and rarest. They also share traits with type A and Type B and hence have much more to choose form in order of what they can eat.
Personality wise people with Type AB are trusty, difficult to read and volatile. These people help out others a lot, but on their own conditions. They can digest meats like Type B but also tend to store it as fat thanks to low metabolism, a trait they share with type A. Type AB people should eat vegetable rich food. Include tofu, dairy products, and fruits like cherries, watermelon and figs in their diet. Also eat easily digested food such as seafood like snapper, salmon, tuna etc.

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