Tuesday, 1 September 2015

REAL SEXUAL FACT- Nocturnal Emissions and Male Organ Health

Nocturnal Emissions and Male Organ Health - Myths and Facts about Night time Release of semen

A nocturnal emission can be a male’s first experience with release, and for many, it can happen quite frequently. Unfortunately, the subject of nocturnal emissions is not often brought up by parents or doctors, and many boys – and even men – believe that something is wrong with them when they wake up with a sticky patch in their briefs.

This misunderstanding is often perpetuated by well-meant but erroneous advice from older adults and others who may warn against nocturnal emissions based on traditional beliefs. The fact is that these nighttime emissions are a normal physiological process, and most men will experience them at least once or twice in their lifetime. For this reason, it is important to know the difference between myth and fact when it comes to nighttime release, as well as understanding the ins and outs of proper male organ care.
Some of the more common myths about nighttime release are dispelled here:
Myth: Nocturnal emissions are a sign of mental disturbance.
FACT: When boys reach adolescence, their bodies begin to produce higher levels of male hormone, which leads to the production of seed. This fluid builds up in the body until it is released through release. Often, this happens during the night, in the course of an intriguing dream. This is the result of a hormonal process, not a physical or mental disorder, and it is perfectly normal. Men of all ages can have nocturnal emissions, although the frequency may diminish as a man begins to self-pleasure or becomes active with a partner.
Myth: Night time release will dry up a man’s supply of seed.
FACT: This is based on the false idea that a man has a set amount of seed that is used up as he releases it. In fact, the little swimmers are being constantly produced; and while the supply may be smaller right after release, it is quickly replaced. On the other hand, men who do not release, either through coupling, manual stroking, or nocturnal emissions, may be  bound by the “use it or lose it” rule and end up producing fewer swimmers than active men.
Myth: Release without coupling will make a man weaker.
FACT: Many young men have been told that losing a drop of seed is like losing a quart of blood, but there is no comparison at all. Release, no matter how it is achieved, will not affect a man’s physical strength or his health in a negative way. In reality, release leads to the production of feel-good hormones that can help to relieve stress and promote relaxation; this may actually help to improve a man’s overall health, as opposed to making him weak or sick.
Myth: There is something wrong with guys who do NOT have nocturnal emissions.
FACT: While most men do have nocturnal emissions, everyone is different, and not having them is not a sign of anything wrong. It is also a good idea to keep in mind that not all men are aware that they have had a nocturnal emission, as they might attribute the tell-tale sticky spot to something else, like nighttime sweating.
Taking care for better male organ health
When nocturnal emissions do occur, the best thing to do is enjoy the lingering sensation of bliss, and of course, to clean up. Leaving the seed on the skin for an extended period of time can irritate the dermal tissue, leading to soreness, drying and cracking, and even infection.
Washing with a mild cleanser and rinsing thoroughly with warm water is all that is required; scrubbing with a rough cloth or harsh soap will only aggravate the delicate skin. Afterwards, a male organ vitamin formula (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that is enriched with male organ-specific nutrients and natural emollients can be applied to keep the male skin soft, supple – and even more responsive to sensual signals.

Friday, 28 August 2015

9 Health Symptoms Men should NEVER ignore

The 9 health symptoms men should NEVER ignore, from problems in the bedroom to heavy drinking and needing the loo in the night...

·         There are 'every day' or little known symptoms of male health problems 
    For example, heavy drinking could be how depression manifests in men

·         And problems getting an erection are an early sign of heart disease
·         Lack of smell can signal low levels of male hormones, affecting fertility

From blood in the urine to 'man boobs', there are a host of signs that things aren't quite right in the male body. 

And sometimes seemingly everyday symptoms can be a sign of a more serious disease. 
For example, heavy drinking may be a sign of depression, while problems performing in the bedroom are an early indicator of heart disease. 


Could be: Heart disease
Doctors are increasingly warning that erectile dysfunction can often be an early warning sign of heart disease.
'The body needs a good blood supply for an erection - and erectile problems are actually a very clear barometer of cardiovascular health,’ said Raj Persad, a urologist at Bristol Royal Infirmary.
Heart disease occurs when the arteries leading to the organ become clogged with fatty deposits, meaning they are thick and furred.

But this effect is seen even more quickly in the vessels carrying blood to the penis.

‘That’s because the penile arteries are smaller than coronary ones, so become furred up faster,’ Dr Persad said.
Cardiologist Graham Jackson, of the Sexual Advice Association, told MailOnline that a man with erection problems will usually develop a heart problem within three to five years.
‘A man in his 40s with erectile dysfunction has a 50-fold greater risk of having a heart attack over the next ten years.

'It’s actually a predictor of death rather than simply heart disease.

‘There isn’t a risk factor higher on this planet.’
Meanwhile, Australian research showed that even in apparently healthy men, slight or moderate erection problems could signal trouble ahead.
The condition increased the risk of heart attacks, heart failure and arterial disease in men aged 45 and over with no previous history of heart conditions.
Experts say men experiencing any degree of erectile dysfunction should seek medical help.
Could be: Hormone imbalance, liver disease 
In most cases, if a man develops what appears to be breasts, it is not breast tissue - but fatty tissue which has grown because he is overweight.
‘They need to lose weight and drink less beer,’ said Professor Ashley Grossman, an endocrinologist from the University of Oxford.
However, sometimes men do form breast tissue, and in this case the condition is known medically as gynaecomastia.
‘Gynaecomastia translates as female breasts,’ Professor Grossman said. ‘It’s usually means female breast tissue in a man.’
The condition is caused by an imbalance between the hormones testosterone and oestrogen, he explained.
Men sometimes develop breasts as they are overweight. But it may be a sign of a hormonal imbalance (file photo)
Oestrogen causes breast tissue to grow, but normally men usually have much higher levels of testosterone, which stops the oestrogen from triggering this.
But if the balance of hormones changes, this can cause a man’s breasts to grow.
‘This can happen as boys go through puberty, as their hormones might be a bit imbalanced,' said Professor Grossman.
‘It can cause a bit of distress as the boy is usually chubby, he doesn’t want to take his top off during swimming.
‘It normally settles down on its own. We reassure him he’s not turning into a girl, and to tell him to lose weight.’
Oestrogen drugs are available, but they do not work well, he added.
As a last resort, there is a simple plastic surgery operation that can be done to remove the breast tissue, but after it is explained the condition will go away on its own, most people do not opt for it.
In grown men, ‘moobs’ are a sign the testicles are not working properly.
Professor Grossman explained: ‘The pituitary gland stimulates the testicles to produce, but it can’t produce any more so it ends up making more oestrogen.’
It can also be a sign of liver disease, he added, as when the organ becomes damaged, the balance of hormones in the body changes and can cause gynaecomastia.
Men worried they are developing breasts should go to a doctor, who can feel them and see if they ar simply fatty tissue, or breast tissue.
‘The most useful test is to measure the hormone levels in the blood to see if they are imbalanced,’ Professor Grossman concluded.
Could be: Prostate cancer, enlarged prostate
If you are rushing to the toilet in the night, it could be a sign of an enlarged prostate or prostate cancer, according to Prostate Cancer UK.
The prostate is a gland the size and shape of a walnut whose main role is to make semen, the liquid that carries sperm.
It lies underneath the bladder, and so if there is any change in the size of the gland, it can affect a man’s urination habits as it presses on the urethra, the tube through which urine flows.
The charity warns men to look out for symptoms like include needing to go to the loo more often than usual including needing to rush to the toilet and leaking before arriving.
Having difficulty peeing, straining or taking a long time to finish urinating or having a weak flow when urinating or feeling as though the bladder is not fully empty could also be signs.

Men with these symptoms should contact their GP, who can carry out tests to assess if the man has a benign prostatic enlargement, a non-cancerous growth of the gland.

The doctor could also assess whether there is a chance he has prostate cancer, which can be detected through a blood test, a physical exam and a biopsy.
For many men with prostate cancer, treatment is not immediately necessary, unless they have an aggressive form of the disease, or the cancer has spread to other areas of the body.
Treatments include having surgery to remove the prostate, radiotherapy and hormone therapy.
Could be: Problems with fertility
‘If a man notices a change in his libido, that could be an endocrine [hormonal] problem,’ said Mr Michael Dooley, a consultant gynaecologist at the Poundbury Clinic at King Edward VII’s Hospital.
It could be indicative of hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, a condition where, in men, the testicles do not produce enough male hormones.
This leads to a lack of sex drive, and fertility problems, he explained.
‘A lack of smell is another sign that the testicles aren’t working properly,’ he added.
Lack of smell, or anosmia as its known medically, is associated with Kallman’s syndrome, a similar genetic disorder in which the lack of male hormones leads to delayed puberty.
‘Nobody knows why- but lack of smell is one of the key signs,’ Mr Dooley continued.
In both illnesses, the pituitary gland does not produce a hormone called gonadotropin-releasing hormone, he said.
‘If your body doesn’t make it, the testicles will not make sperm, leading to fertility problems.
‘If a man is infertile, you give him gonadotrophic injections.’
He advised men with either of these symptoms to go to their GP, who could refer them on to an endocrinologist or a fertility expert to investigate the problem.
Could be: Testicular cancer
Lumps and swellings in the testicles are a relatively common symptom in boys and men.
The majority of lumps and swellings are caused by benign (non-cancerous) conditions that may not need treatment.
However, a lump could be a sign of testicular cancer, which affects nearly 2,000 men each year in the UK and is the most common cancer in men aged 20 to 35.
Men who notice a lump or abnormality in their testicles should always see their GP, doctors advise.
This is because treatment for testicular cancer is much more effective if the cancer is diagnosed early.
Indeed, it is the cancer with the highest survival rate.  

Could be: Bladder cancer
Blood in the urine is the most common sign of bladder cancer, and is usually painless.
However half of those with the disease will die from it, figures show. 
Most cases of bladder cancer appear to be caused by exposure to harmful substances, which lead to abnormal changes in the bladder's cells over many years.
Tobacco smoke is a common cause and it's estimated that half of all cases of bladder cancer are caused by smoking.
Chemicals previously used in manufacturing – now banned - are also known to cause the disease.
Lower back or abdominal pain can be a sign of bladder cancer (file photo)
Other symptoms to look out for include: needing to go to the loo frequently, urine infections that keep coming back, tiredness, lower back or abdominal pain and weight loss for no obvious reason.
Men with any of these symptoms should go to the doctor immediately.
Although it is likely they are due to a problem that is not cancer, such as haemorrhoids or a urinary infection, a doctor will be able to investigate.
Could be: Depression
In men, depression does not always display itself in the way we might think.
Classical symptoms include tearfulness, waking up early in the morning and other sleep disturbances, and experiencing loss of pleasure.
But men are more likely to have a ‘front’ and their depression may not manifest itself in these ways, says Dr John Chisholm, a former GP and chair of the Men’s Health Forum.
He told MailOnline: ‘Excessive drinking is something we flag up as a sign that things aren’t well.
‘In the UK there are a lot of people who are drinking in excess of the recommended daily limits. It puts their physical health at risk but it can also be a symptom of depression.
‘It can precipitate behaviour that is to be avoided, for example the association of drinking with domestic violence.’
He pointed to a Danish study which found that men who are depressed don’t emit the classical signals.
Instead, as well as alcohol abuse, anger management, violence, an inability to maintain relationships, or a withdrawal from established relationship can signal depression.
This is something that professionals may not realise, he added. 

‘I don’t want to criticise doctors and nurses, but not all healthcare professionals will be aware of the symptoms men display when they are depressed and suicidal,’ he said.

This is important, Dr Chisholm says, as men are already 20 per cent less likely to go to the doctor in the first place.
‘Men find personal things more difficult to talk about their feelings.
He added: ‘Part of masculinity, of male culture, is to grin and bear it, suppress your feelings. That’s how boys have been brought up; they are taught to put on a veneer of coping.’
Part of masculinity, of male culture, is to grin and bear it, suppress your feelings. That’s how boys have been brought up; they are taught to put on a veneer of coping 
Dr John Chisholm, a former GP and chair of the Men’s Health Forum

This ‘bottling up’ of feelings means mental health problems can be masked.
It has serious consequences, said Dr Chisholm. 
Three quarters of suicides occur in men, a surprising figure given that more women are diagnosed with depression and anxiety than men.
‘The sort of methods men use to kill themselves are more violent and likely to succeed,’ he added.
‘We have to break the cultural stereotypes and teach men that they should be in touch with their emotions. And if those emotions get out of control, it’s not a sign of weakness to seek help.
‘If men are in a family setting or in a relationship with a partner or a spouse or in a network of friends, if those partners or friends are more aware of these things, they can encourage a man under stress or strain seek medical help for that.’
Could be: Gout
Gout is three to four times more likely in men than women - and one of the most common symptoms is a painful big toe 
Gout is three to four times more likely in men than women. 
And it is even more common in older men, with 1 in 7 older men affected, compared to 1 in 16 older women.
The most common symptom of gout is sudden and severe pain in one or more joints, typically the big toe. 
A type of arthritis, gout occurs when crystals of sodium urate form inside and around joints.
It happens due to a build-up of uric acid, a waste product made in the body every day, in the blood.
If you produce too much uric acid or excrete too little when you urinate, the uric acid builds up and causes tiny crystals of sodium urate to form in and around joints.
These hard, needle-shaped crystals build up slowly over several years without the person knowing.
Eventually, some may spill over and inflame the soft lining of the joint, causing pain and inflammation.
Some crystals pack together to form hard, slowly expanding lumps of crystals which damage joint cartilage and nearby bone, eventually leading to irreversible joint damage.
The joints then become intensely painful and stiff when used.
Symptoms usually occur after the age of 30 in men. 
Could be: Male breast cancer
It’s not only women that get breast cancer, around 350 men a year in the UK are also diagnosed with the disease, according to Breast Cancer Care.
Many people don’t know that men can get breast cancer because they don’t think of men as having breasts.
In fact, men have smaller amounts of breast tissue around their nipple, where can, on rare occasions, tumours can develop.
Lumps, often painless, close to the nipple are the most common symptom, although they can also occur away from the nipple.
A tender or inverted nipple, or discharge, which is often blood-stained, are other signs of the disease, as well as swelling in the chest or ulcers forming in the area.
Most men who get breast cancer are over 60, although younger men can be affected.
The sooner breast cancer is diagnosed and treated, the better the outcome, so it’s important to get any symptoms checked out as quickly as possible.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Let your diet match the type of your Blood group!!!

Know how to eat correctly according to your blood type

People do most of the things to keep themselves healthy. They exercise, do yoga, take stairs and eat healthy food. Include fruits, vegetables in their diet; avoid meats and other harmful foods. But even after doing so much to keep yourself healthy you find yourself lethargic, battle digestion problems you need to think for some unorthodox diet. Have you thought of eating according to your blood type?
Dr. Peter D’Adamo says that eating according to your blood type is beneficial to your health and can help you live longer and healthier. There are chemical reactions occurring in our blood because of the food we eat. These reactions are generally dependent on genetic heredity since they are caused by the proteins found in foods, which have a capacity to do blood stations and to stick around proteins.
So here are the types of food which you should eat according to your blood types.

Type O
People with blood type O are generally focused, energetic and display tremendous leadership qualities. Such people crave for meat and have characteristics of hunters- gatherers.
People with Type O blood group should eat a diet consisting of protein rich meal like lean meat, poultry, fish and vegetables. Beans, grains and dairy should be eaten lightly in their day to day meals. If you want to lose weight try eating seafood, red meat, spinach and broccoli. Avoid wheat, corn, lentils and cabbage. Try eating salt to lower the levels of Iodine in your system to give you optimal thyroid function.

Type A

People with Type A blood group tend to have poor digestion systems and an aversion to food coming from animals. People from this group favour vegetarian food like legumes, grains, fruits and vegetables.
Try eating soya beans, vegetables, pineapple to lose weight and avoid meat, dairy products, bean and wheat. Type A people are generally responsible, cool minded, hard working and detail oriented. But crave for success, are constantly worried about perfection.
Fish and poultry should be limited since people with blood type A produce fewer meat-digesting enzymes, which is why they have such a hard time digesting red meat. Try including higher percentage of wheat; grains, cereals etc should be your staple diet.

Type B

People with Type B blood are stubborn in nature. They love working in jobs that they like and they always follow their own rules. Therefore you are not as cooperative as other would like.
Type B people can very well digest meat products with ease. Hence most of your meals should contain red meat (beef, venison and lamb). Also try and include dairy products like yogurt, cheese and milk in your diet. Leafy greens and vegetables, fruits like banana, grapes, plum etc should also benefit people with type A blood.
Try to avoid grains, corn, rye and wheat and nuts like peanuts, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds as they tend to change the way you metabolize food.

Type AB

Type AB is the newest blood type and rarest. They also share traits with type A and Type B and hence have much more to choose form in order of what they can eat.
Personality wise people with Type AB are trusty, difficult to read and volatile. These people help out others a lot, but on their own conditions. They can digest meats like Type B but also tend to store it as fat thanks to low metabolism, a trait they share with type A. Type AB people should eat vegetable rich food. Include tofu, dairy products, and fruits like cherries, watermelon and figs in their diet. Also eat easily digested food such as seafood like snapper, salmon, tuna etc.

Sleeping Position and your Health

What are the impacts of different sleeping positions on your health?
Your sleeping position may also be one of the reasons why you are suffering from stomach, neck, or back pain problems. Many people do not have an idea about the different types of sleeping positions and their impact on health. Knowing the correct sleeping position is very important, especially for anyone who is suffering from such health issues. Even if you are not suffering from these problems, learning about the right sleeping positions will help you avoid having them in the future.
Let’s take a look on the eight different types of sleeping positions and their impact on the body.
On Your Back, Arms down

Sleeping on your back with arms down is considered as one of the best sleeping positions for a healthy spine. Sleeping in this position is also a good option if you are suffering from neck pain. But contrary to its health benefits, this sleeping position has some cons as well. According to researchers, back sleepers tend to snore more than people sleeping in other positions. Sleeping on the back can also lead to problems like sleep apnea.

On Your Back, Arms Up

This sleeping position is popularly known as the starfish position and is good for the back. Whether your arms are at the sides, up, or around the pillow, sleeping in this position can be good for health in numerous ways. This sleeping position is not only helpful in curing neck pain, but also prevents skin breakouts and facial wrinkles. However, like the above-mentioned position, it also leads to snoring problems. Moreover, putting your arms up can put pressure on the nerves in your shoulders, which can cause pain in that area.

Fetal Position

Fetal position is one of the worst sleeping positions as it leads to several neck and back problems. Many people love to sleep in a curled position as they find it comfortable; however, the extremely curled position not only can lead to pain in the neck but also prohibits deep breathing. Sleeping in this position is also not good for pregnant women.

Free-fall position

Sleeping in a free-fall position does not only improve your digestive system but is also proven to be very helpful in reducing the snoring problem. When sleeping in this position, one may tilt his head to one side or the other. This can put a lot of stress in the neck and thus leads to neck problems. This also increases the chances of wrinkles on the face.

One Side, Arms Out

One side, arms out is also good for curing the snoring problem. However, when sleeping in this position, the flow of blood gets restricted due to the pressure on the nerves. This can cause pain in the neck and shoulder.


On Side, Arms at Sides

This sleeping position is also good for people suffering from back and neck pain. In addition, this position also helps in curing problems like sleep apnea. However, like the other sleeping positions, it also has some drawbacks. Sleeping in this position can lead to other problems like wrinkles and sagging breasts.

On the Right Side

If you are a side-sleeper, which side you sleep can also have an impact on your health. If you sleep on the right side, it can create heart issues; if you sleep on the left side, it can put strain on your internal organs like the stomach, lungs, and liver.

Pillow Supplemented
Regardless on which position you sleep, you will experience less pain if your body is supplemented by a pillow. Back sleepers can put a pillow below their spine arc, while freefall sleepers can put a pillow under their hips to avoid pain while sleeping.